The Duality & Unity of being T
About TransMusePlanet
T.M.P. is a personal and collabrative blog site of personal information,news, entertainment and empowerment of the trans community. I'm Sabrina Samone, a southern, liberal, multiracial trans-female. And I'm one of millions of transpeople world wide and why T.M.P was created to be a community blog. Whether you are female to male, male to female, pre-op or post-op. Transvestite, crossdresser, gender non-conforming you are welcomed here. As well as the spouses, lovers, admirers and families of a transgender person. You are all welcomed here. T.M.P is about the Duality of Being T, simply the celebration of our diversity and hopes to encourage, promote common ground. Any trans or trans friendly blogger with words of empowerment is welcomed to be a contributor. I encourage all voices of the trans community to be heard, considered and respected. We all have a voice and the continued work of equality and respect for the transgender community will take all of us and not just a few. Updates or new posts will be made at least once - three times a week.
TransMusePlanet has sections on news, entertainment and blogs of personal growth and empowerment of the transgender community. Whether it's the latest news affecting transpeople or the latest on what our community is accomplishing in entertainment, we hope to provide either new to transitioning or veterans, information they hadn't known before.
TransMusePlanet is also accompanied by The T.M.P Daily Dispatch, an online shared newpaper style site full of information of world news affecting the transgender and lgbtqia community on the Paper.il network. You can stay on this website and simply scroll down the list of each section to read the top headlines or click title to view in full on Paper.il This provides readers with a daily dose of fresh news stories world wide affecting and empowering our community. Transmuseplanet can also be found on twitter, facebook, tumblr and google plus.
T.M.P also offers advice through the Ask Dear SS column, advice given openly and honestly from a transfemale of twenty years that has lived both stealth and openly as a transfemale in nursing as well as an actress, gender illusionist, writer and a few other titles that has given me my share of ups and downs transistioning. If you have a question referring to trans-male issues no need to fear, access is granted to couselors who are ftm and every answer will be taken seriously. If you have a spouse or dating or would like to date a transperson and have questions, your welcomed. If your curious about the community or other related issues you are welcomed as well, genuinely serious question will be given a serious answer.
Each section of TransMusePlanet has a forum where any discussion that's not explicit is welcomed. Along with guestbooks and a Products page, which promotes trans entrepreneurship. I only post what is given to me, your submission is your permission to post. If you have a product that is available nationally, be it a novel, clothing collection, music or product all you need is write me the detailed info you'd like to share linking to where readers may purchase your product, signed and linked back to your site. This is provided simply to help a communtiy that at times finds difficulty in the general public to be employed to have options on reaching more of an audience than they currently have available to empower fellow trans sisters and brothers.
Through out the site and ocassionlly on the homepage featured videos are placed to coincide with topics or help promote a trans film/novel, etc. On homepage there is also a google translation widget for translation to any major language.
In 2013 T.M.P will add voice to the website. And thru donations, which can also be accessed on the homepage paypal link. We have and will contiue contributing a percentage of donations to any transgender progressive political candidate of our choosing in the United States to continue not only our personal but political empowerment as a community.
Thank you for visiting our community page, tell a friend, leave comments, start a forum topic and always know that here at Transmuseplanet you can always count on being uplifted and inspired with hopes to encourage you as well to inspire another one of us.
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