The Duality & Unity of being T
May I tell you my story?; The story of a local Trans Matriarch
By Olivia Margaret Ontko, T.M.P Contributor blogger
In 1998, after close to 20 years of denial and multiple purges, I finally admitted to myself that I was Trans. The internet was just beginning to be the social action catalyst it now is, and there were a few online groups for transperson....
Defining who we are part IV: A message to Cis-gender people, Transgender is not sexuality
By Sabrina Samone, TransMusePlanet April, 7 2013
There is a pre-requisite to Transgender 101, and that is, transgender isn’t a form of sexuality. Just a hypothesis of mine, but maybe our Trans forbearers, though much respect is and should be given, may have over looked this...
Defining who we are pt. lll: The Trans* sex worker and exploitation
Sabrina Samone, TMP, 3/24/2013
I don’t like when someone asks me, “Who’s my hero in life?” In Greek mythology a hero was at least a demi-god, so to me very few can stand that unblemished on a pedestal. I prefer, whom I look up to and one of the biggest was Gloria Steinem. One of...
Transition Radio brings leadership to Trans-media
Sabrina Samone, TMP 3-07-2013
Transition Radio brings leadership to Trans-media
Transitionradio.net is a prominent media source that supports those that are Transgender, Transsexual, Cross Dressers, Gender Non-Conforming, Gender Queer, Gender Questioning individuals and...
The Conservative media: The new bullies of Transgender people
Sabrina Samone, TMP 2
In the ancient Chinese military treatise, The Act of War, Sun Tzu states; “anyone who excels in defeating his enemies triumphs before his enemy’s threat becomes real.”
In July of 2012 Massachusetts Transgender Equal Rights Act became law; this is the...
Alice wants to step thru the looking glass but...
This is from a freind on facebook that wanted to contribute their thoughts about coming out as transgender. She asked that her name not be used due to, and her words, "I've been down this road once before when I thought that I was gay and told them - obviously it wasn't acceptable...
The Rise of the Transgenderation?
By Sabrina Samone, TMP Feb. 9, 2013
Image courtesy of the Texas Triangle
As the transgender community we should all take a moment to silently thank Oprah Winfrey. Back in the early 2000’s Oprah was among if not the first and definitely the most highly profiled show to...
Defining who we are pt. 2: Being Transgender after the Jerry Springer Effect
Jan. 8, 2013
Recently on Face book a friend posted a blog about the damage done to the Transgender community by tacky talk shows like Maury Povich and Jerry Springer. I had grown up seeing too many of the shows that she referred too. I agreed there was nothing...
The begining of life as a Gay Trans-Man in Carolina
Jan. 3, 2013
Growing up as a kid, I was always that ‘tomboy’. I would rather play kickball, soccer, or baseball with the guys, rather than sit around doing each other’s hair and talking with some girls. This being said, I’m sure my parents had some speculations starting young....
The College of Charleston to install gender neutral bathrooms, also addresses issues for students who don’t fall in line with standard gender norms.
The College of Charleston in Charleston, S.C., is in the process of creating a more LGBT friendly campus.
John Bello-Ogunu, chief diversity officer of the university, told The Post and Courier that the college recently completed a draft of a strategic plan that would...
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04/23/2013 00:38
By Sabrina Samone, TMP
Politically, TBGL people vary in their beliefs just as any...