04/23/2013 00:38
By Sabrina Samone, TMP
Politically, TBGL people vary in their beliefs just as any other groups. Even so, can’t deny I was a little shocked to know of Trans people that were republicans, but as a wise woman once told me, it takes many people to make the world go round. Many in the tblg...
04/03/2013 23:33
Sabrina Samone, Transmuseplanet.com April, 4th2013
What do you think about when you think of the republican south and the Bible belt? You’ll probably think of evangelicals preaching the sanctity of...
03/24/2013 15:32
Sabrina Samone, TMP, 3/24/2013
I don’t like when someone asks me, “Who’s my hero in life?” In Greek mythology a hero was at least a demi-god, so to me very few can stand that unblemished on a pedestal. I prefer, whom I look up to and one of the biggest was Gloria Steinem. One of my favorite...
03/04/2013 23:34
By Sabrina Samone, TMP
To vote for what seems to be in the interest of yourself, your family and community is not a new concept. Though some believe in a paradox of voting (i.e., Downs paradox), that for a rational, self-interested voter, the costs of voting will normally exceed the expected...
02/27/2013 23:30
Sabrina Samone, TMP 2
In the ancient Chinese military treatise, The Act of War, Sun Tzu states; “anyone who excels in defeating his enemies triumphs before his enemy’s threat becomes real.”
In July of 2012 Massachusetts Transgender Equal Rights Act became law; this is the...
02/19/2013 23:23
By Sabrina Samone, Trans Muse Planet
No one can deny being LGB or T is not a simple, easy life. That not so easy life can seem near impossible to endure in the bible belt of America. While I’ve blogged and celebrated stories of kids being accepted and protected by a families...
02/15/2013 01:46
By Sabrina Samone, TMP
Six weeks in and 2013 is beginning to look like it could be the year of the T. T being slang for your Truth had been used by sections of the Trans community years to describe our biological gender. Later to be used more widely to imply the truth of any...
02/10/2013 04:05
Palmetto Transgender Association