The Duality & Unity of being T
Video on transgender people goes viral
Titled “Pede” (a discriminating term used to describe transgender people), the video tells a story about Yuki, a transgender person who has to face social discrimination to live with who she really is.
"When the sunlight is fading, and the street lights are turned on, it is when our lives start,” Yuki talks about the life of transgender people like her.
The video has reached more than 202,000 views with over 1,800 likes from YouTube users 6 days after it was posted on the video sharing site.
“We decided to name it "Pede" - the word that society still uses to stigmatize transgender people - as a way to have a closer look at a familiar yet taboo topic” ICS gave an explanation about the clip’s title.
After the video was posted, a larger number of netizens have shown their support for Yuki as well as the LGBT (lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender) community.
“What a touching movie! Be yourself and I believe you can do it. Wish you all the best,” Ngoc Phan commented.
“Don’t judge a book by its cover,” Hiep Le added.
Earlier, ISC center held an event titled “Open Your Heart – Embrace Diversity” in Ho Chi Minh City. The event attracted around 800 people who came to show their support to the local LGBT community.
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