By Sabrina Samone T.M.P 2/12/2013
In the words of the fabulous Joan Rivers, can we talk? Rather, can I bitch? I’ll just take a few seconds here and day dream that anyone actually gives a shit. I know, ‘so you got problems eh? Let me tell you about problems’. I’ve...
Jan. 12, 2013
Imagine its January the year 2025. The roaring twenties are back and we that are 25 plus today find ourselves viewed as the old prudes of the second Victorian age. Kids are doing the Charleston again to remix versions of electro swing. The economy...
Jack Ori is a formerly closeted transgender guy who now uses his personal experiences to help others in the trans* community live more fulfilling lives. He is a motivational coach who works with trans* people in order to help them figure out for themselves what they need to do to be comfortable...
At first glance she looks like the girl around the way, the neighborhood girl, the girl next door. According to her social network sites she idealized Lauren London and says she wanted to grow up and be like her. Starr...
Titled “Pede” (a discriminating term used to describe transgender people), the video tells a story about Yuki, a transgender person who has to face social discrimination to live with who she really is.
"When the sunlight is fading, and the street lights are turned on, it is when our lives...
Hello, everyone!
The Point
The excitement and interest in the Trans 100 has led me to link up with Jen Richards and so the Trans 100 is officially a joint effort of and
We’ve decided to focus the first year’s list on the US, and we encourage other countries...
By Sabine Bernardi
20-years-old Lukas is right in the midst of male puberty - medically triggered – for he was in fact born a girl. Full of the zest for life, he enters big-city life but even upon arrival encounters a major screw up: recruited for his...
Short from award-winning director about a transgender woman proves again how internet-released films are by-passing China's censors and reaching huge audiences
Short film My Way, about a mainland Chinese transgender woman having surgery in Hong Kong, was released a week ago (12 April) and...
In the November 2012 issue of Ebony, which features President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama on the cover, there is an article under the Spirit Quest section called "Transgender and God's Child," written by Michelle Burford, founding senior editor of O, The Oprah Magazine. Ms. Burford...